.. _tips: Tips and tricks ########################## Here you will find some helpful points to make the most out of crandas while ensuring the privacy of your data. - :ref:`Use integers instead of strings, as they are more efficient` - :ref:`Crandas commands should be outside conditional branches` - :ref:`Avoid uploading the same table multiple times` - :ref:`Do not upload unnecessary columns to the engine` - :ref:`Implement proper thresholds on any aggregations and merge operations` - :ref:`Restarting the kernel often fixes problems` - :ref:`Do not use placeholders unless the collaboration trust model assumes honest analysis` - :ref:`Script steps can be omitted or changed in authorized mode` - :ref:`Be careful when referencing outcomes of previous steps in a script` - :ref:`Computed objects might be removed from cache` .. _tips_integers: Use integers instead of strings, as they are more efficient ---------------------------------------------------------------- The way crandas ensures data privacy is by processing data through `Multi Party Computation `_ (or MPC). MPC is a series of mathematical techniques and protocols that are mostly based in discrete mathematics. This means that out of all the types used in cranmera, *integers* are the closest to the building blocks needed in the backend. The main consequence of this is that integers are *considerably* more efficient than any other data type. For example, it takes only one share to represent any integer, but it takes one share *per character* of a string. Therefore, if you are working with a lot of data, you might want to convert some string columns into integers before uploading them to the engine. This is especially useful if some of your string columns contain categorical data or just a few entries that repeat constantly. To do this, simply take your string column and assign a number starting from zero to each new entry. Now replace the column in your table with a column with the respective integers. Of course, now you are left with the question of how to recover the information in the strings afterward. The first option is to keep a local copy of the assignment of strings to integers. If you want to share the data with other parties, you can get them that data directly. This works for categorical data, but what if you also need to keep those strings private? Easy. Just upload the integer-string assignment table to the engine! Now you can do all the analysis on the table with integers, making it more efficient. Once you are done and want to retrieve the data, just do a :ref:`many_to_one join` of the two tables and you will have your strings again! .. _tips_conditional: Crandas commands should be outside conditional branches ---------------------------------------------------------------- In design mode, the queries for the engine get recorded in a certain way and these queries must be executed in the exact same order in the authorized mode. Therefore no variables or commands should be declared inside a conditional statement, such as an ``if``. Since the data used in the two modes is not the same, the conditional statement can follow one path when recorded in the design mode and a different one in the authorized mode, leading to a mismatch in the query if the branch that was recorded had a nested command that was not executed in authorized modes, or vice versa. This will throw an error if the branch followed in authorized mode is different from the one followed in design mode: .. code:: python import crandas as cd import random cd.script.record() merged_numbers = cd.DataFrame( {"positive": ["yes", "no"], "integer": ["no", "no"], "values": [1.1, 2.5]}, auto_bounds=True) random_number = random.randint(0,100) if random_number == 0: print(f"Random number is {random_number}") else: total_amount = ((merged_numbers['positive'] == 'yes') & (merged_numbers['integer'] == 'yes')).sum() if total_amount <= 10: print(f"{total_amount}: is less than 10.") elif total_amount >= 20: print(f"{total_amount}: is over 20.") To help you avoid such problems, during script recording, crandas will print a warning when a crandas function is called in a conditional branch. See :ref:`check_recording` for more information. For example, the above code produces the following warning: .. code:: txt code.py:16: ConditionalCallDetected: Possible conditional crandas call detected during script recording. Crandas is called from a conditional 'if' statement at code.py:13. Add comment #crandas-dontwarn to the conditional statement to disable this warning, or see 'Crandas commands should be outside conditional branches' in the crandas User Guide for more information. This should work fine: .. code:: python total_amount = ((merged_numbers['positive'] == 'yes') & (merged_numbers['integer'] == 'yes')).sum() if random_number == 0: print(f"Random number is {random_number}") else: if total_amount <= 10: print(f"{total_amount}: is less than 10.") elif total_amount >= 20: print(f"{total_amount}: is over 20.") Note that in the second case ``total_amount`` was defined outside of the conditional branches. .. _tips_oneupload: Avoid uploading the same table multiple times ---------------------------------------------------------------- Each time you execute :code:`cd.upload_pandas_dataframe` a new table is uploaded with a new handle. Even if you had already uploaded the same table before, crandas will interpret this as a new table and therefore you will have several copies of the same table filling up the engine. To prevent running out of memory, please be aware of this. .. _tips_unnecessary: Do not upload unnecessary columns to the engine ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unnecessary columns will only increase the processing time, as they must be encrypted and decrypted every time a function is performed on the data, especially when the datasets are large. Avoiding the uploading of columns that are not needed will not only improve the computation efficiency on the data, but it will also save up some storage space. .. _tips_thresholds: Implement proper thresholds on any aggregations and merge operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To prevent disclosure of information about individual records being processed, make sure to implement thresholds on any :code:`filter` and aggregation operation (e.g. :code:`sum` or :code:`mean`). For more information, please check the :ref:`guide for appovers`. .. _tips_restart: Restarting the kernel often fixes problems ----------------------------------------------- Sometimes the errors are cached in the kernel and even making the necessary changes and re-running the cell won’t fix the error. Moreover, when saving a script in design mode or running it in authorized mode, it’s best to start with a fresh kernel. For these reasons we recommend restarting the kernel in these situations and the running the cells again. In jupyter, this can be done easily using the restart button. .. _tips_placeholders: Do not use placeholders unless the collaboration trust model assumes honest analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Placeholders like ``any()`` are very useful for automating tasks, but they should be used with extreme care. In some cases, it might be needed to run an analysis multiple times with a slight variation, or maybe the same analysis can be performed on tables with different handles. But for this very reason it should be used (and approved) with discretion. We recommend not to use or approve this functionality unless the trust level between the involved parties is high enough to allow this, as it could lead to disclosure risks and data leakage. For more information on disclosure risks in an analysis, please check the :ref:`guide for appovers`. .. _tips_stepchange: Script steps can be omitted or changed in authorized mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- While crandas is designed to work with encrypted data, and its functions have been designed to facilitate the use of this data while maintaining privacy, it is necessary to consider that a good script design and appropriate supervision before approval go hand in hand with these qualities to ensure that data privacy is maintained correctly. Crandas saves scripts in such a way that in authorized mode, if any of the steps that generate an output that is then the input for another method is not present, a mismatch error is generated between the approved query and the one being executed. However, if there is a step that is not essential for the continuity of the script, even if it fails or is replaced, the execution will continue. For example: .. code:: python y = x.filter(threshold=10) x.open() # even though x.filter() might fail, this command can still be executed If the first line fails to execute in authorized mode, or if it is replaced, the second line will still be executed. In this example, this will allow the analyst to open :code:`x` even if the threshold is not met. Understanding this concept is important to ensure the correct design and supervision of scripts, thus preventing "gaps" in them that can later be misused. .. _tips_previous: Be careful when referencing outcomes of previous steps in a script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a crandas script, you can either reference objects in the engine or specific values, but not results of operations or arbitrary values. In case you refer to the result of an earlier operation in a script or to an input of the analyst, the actual value of that result on the dummy data will be recorded. Suppose we want to perform the same filter on two different datasets. The value it is filtered on does not matter, as long as the filter is identical for both tables. As an example, take the code snippet below: .. code:: python tab1 = cd.get_table("39EF406EFB07023D06A4D0051AC42F4FFDAD5CF7506560E74CDA12117C4D2433") tab2 = cd.get_table("4FB1F73C7EE610521F480A767E28B4E867D7F71D24BDA550C1C6AE0FD796233A") val = 10 ## this could also be the result of a previous operation, e.g. tab2["col1"].mean() # these filters will be recorded as `filter1 = tab1[tab1["col"] < 10]` filter1 = tab1[tab1["col"] < val] filter2 = tab2[tab2["col"] < val] Now, when we would record this script, the filter would only be allowed on :code:`val == 10`. To overcome this, we can use a placeholder. When this script is recorded, the filter will be allowed on any value that is assigned to :code:`val` in authorized mode: .. code:: python tab1 = cd.get_table("39EF406EFB07023D06A4D0051AC42F4FFDAD5CF7506560E74CDA12117C4D2433") tab2 = cd.get_table("4FB1F73C7EE610521F480A767E28B4E867D7F71D24BDA550C1C6AE0FD796233A") # When this script is recorded, any value can be assigned to `val` in authorized mode val = cd.placeholders.Any(10) filter1 = tab1[tab1["col"] < val] filter2 = tab2[tab2["col"] < val] Still, this will not guarantee that the value being filtered on is the same for both filters. The script for authorized mode could be manipulated as follows: .. code:: python tab1 = cd.get_table("39EF406EFB07023D06A4D0051AC42F4FFDAD5CF7506560E74CDA12117C4D2433") tab2 = cd.get_table("4FB1F73C7EE610521F480A767E28B4E867D7F71D24BDA550C1C6AE0FD796233A") # When this script is recorded, any value can be assigned to `val` in authorized mode val = cd.placeholders.Any(10) filter1 = tab1[tab1["col"] < val] # hack val.value = 20 filter2 = tab2[tab2["col"] < val] There are ways in which these types of scripts can be properly implemented. Please reach out to us when you need help on this! .. Todo: add when transactions.rst has been finalized: More information on how to use transactions can be found :ref:`here `. .. _tips_purging: Computed objects might be removed from cache ----------------------------------------------------- Objects that are computed (as opposed to uploaded using e.g. :meth:`crandas.crandas.DataFrame`), are kept in a cache at the engine server. Depending on how the engine server is configured, such objects may be removed from the cache by the server(s) to reclaim memory. For example: .. code:: python >>> import crandas as cd >>> uploaded = cd.DataFrame({"a": [1,2,3]}, auto_bounds=True) # Will not be purged >>> computed = uploaded.assign(b = lambda x: x.a + 1) >>> computed.open() # May be purged RuntimeError: ("The PRSS keys that we tried to use were not present at the server (maybe they have been purged from the server cache?). We've reset the keys and they will be re-initialized, please retry the last command.", 'The PRSS keys used for table uploads were not found (handle 2E6BA04C39AA38C660E24DC395FDB5EBDAF169F3324D79D2F64C27C38775B260). Try re-initializing them.', 8) >>> computed.open() crandas.errors.ServerError: Object with handle FCBB3266F1914AEFAC7574D25708A57FE396E37115E47E8B9B959AA265DB0AD3 does not exist (HTTP 400 Bad Request, error code: ServerErrorCode.CLIENT_ERROR_HANDLE_NOT_FOUND) >>> computed = uploaded.assign(b = lambda x: x.a + 1) # Re-compute object >>> computed.open() a b 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 >>> computed.save() # Prevent purging >>> computed.open() a b 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 In this example, ``uploaded`` is an uploaded object. Such an object will not be purged from the server cache, and typically also remains available after server restarts. However, ``computed`` is a computed object, computed from ``uploaded``. Such an object may be purged from the server cache at some point, depending on how the server is configured. For example, if ``computed.open()`` is run a week after ``computed`` has been computed, the object may well have been removed from the server cache. This can lead to two types of error message: - In the first call to ``computed.open()`` in the example above, the upload/download keys were purged from the server cache. As the error indicates, crandas recovers from this error automatically by re-initializing the PRSS system used for uploading/downloading. - In the second call to ``computed.open()`` in the example above, the computation result itself was removed from the server cache. In this case, please re-compute the object by running the original script. To prevent purging of an object, it can be saved by using :meth:`.stateobject.StateObject.save`. Calling this method will stop the object from being purged, treating it in the same way as an upload. If purging-related errors occur regularly, please contact the server administrator to change the server caching settings.