Working with text data

Crandas provides functionalities that work directly with string columns. In this section we will see how strings work in the VDL and what things we can do in crandas with them. Furthermore, we will explore more efficient alternatives that can be used when string-specific functions are not necessary.

When working with strings in crandas, the maximum length of the strings is important. All strings are padded to the maximum length (i.e. all strings have the max length). Crandas will derive the maximum length from the data, but you can also specify it when creating a CDataFrame.


If you specify a maximum length that is smaller than a your data, your data will be truncated to that length, potentially losing information.

To specify the length of the string, you can do the following

import crandas as cd

# The first two characters represent the country
id_data = ["MX6821389", "NL2950357", "NL5348942", "DE1104572"]

df = cd.DataFrame( { "ids": id_data, "country": id_data}, ctype={"country": "varchar[2]"})

In the above example, both columns seemingly have the same data, but the id_names column, only contains the first two characters of the strings.

String encoding and efficiency

Crandas supports two types of strings: unicode and ASCII (meaning that all characters in the string have 0<=ord(ch)<=127). Certain operations (in particular, comparison, searching, and regular expression matching), are more efficient for ASCII strings.

Added in version 1.8: Support for ASCII.

By default, crandas autodetects whether or not the more efficient ASCII mode can be used. This information (whether or not ASCII mode is used) becomes part of the public metadata of the column, and crandas will give a ColumnBoundDerivedWarning to indicate that the column metadata is derived from the data in the column. See Type detection from data for more information.

Instead of deriving the mode from the data, it is also possible to explicitly specify the ctype varchar[ascii] or varchar[unicode], e.g.:

import crandas as cd

# ASCII autodetected: efficient operations available; warning given
cdf = cd.DataFrame({"a": ["string"]})

# Unicode autodetected: efficient operations not available; warning given
cdf = cd.DataFrame({"a": ["stri\U0001F600ng"]})

# ASCII annotated; efficient operations available; no warning given
cdf = cd.DataFrame({"a": ["string"]}, ctype={"a": "varchar[ascii]"})

# Unicode annotated; efficient operations not available; no warning given
cdf = cd.DataFrame({"a": ["string"]}, ctype={"a": "varchar[unicode]"})

String manipulation

Besides truncating strings, crandas offers the possibility of converting a string into lowercase by using CSeries.lower(). This function will convert any string into lowercase, which can be useful when combining data from different sources, to ensure compatibility.

data = cd.DataFrame({"col": ["AAP", "Noot", "Mies", "VuUR", "Vis"]})

data = data.assign(lower_col = data["col"].lower())

String search and regular expressions

Crandas supports searching in text data via the CSeries.contains() function, that checks whether a given substring exists in a given string, and via the CSeries.fullmatch() function, that checks whether the string matches a given regular expression.

For searching, the substring to search for can be given as a string (in which case the servers learn which string is searched for); or as a crandas.CSeries (in which case this information will remain hidden). In the latter case, the function CSeriesColRef.as_value() can be used to interpret a single-row column as a value that can be used in function definitions, e.g.:

import crandas as cd

cdf = cd.DataFrame({"haystack": ["abcdefghijk", "lmnopqrstuvw"]})

# Search; substring becomes known to servers
needle = "vwx"

# Search; substring remains hidden from servers but same for all rows
cneedle = cd.DataFrame({"needle": [needle]})["needle"].as_value()
cdf.assign(needle=cneedle, found=lambda x: x.haystack.contains(x.needle)).open()

# Private search (different substring per row)
cneedles = cd.DataFrame({"needle": ["abcde", "klm"]})
cdf.assign(needle=cneedles["needle"], found=lambda x: x.haystack.contains(x.needle)).open()

For regular expression matching, a regular expression can be given as documented in re.Re. The regular expression can contain references to other columns to require that the (the respetive row of the) given column should occur in the regular expression at the given place:

import crandas as cd

# Simple example
cdf = cd.DataFrame({"a": ["has a!", "has bb!", "has xx?!"],
                    "b": ["",  "b",  "xxx"],
                    "c": ["a", "c", "c"]})

re ="has (a|bb).*")
cdf["a"].fullmatch(re, cdf["b"], cdf["c"]).as_table().open()

# Example with substrings via (?1)

cdf = cd.DataFrame({"a": ["has a!", "has bb!", "has xx?!"],
                    "b": ["",  "bb",  "xxx"],
                    "c": ["a", "c", "c"]})

re ="has ((?1)|(?2)).*")
cdf["a"].fullmatch(re, cdf["b"], cdf["c"]).as_table().open()

Strings and bytes

Whenever there is string data in a table that does not require string functionalities, it might make sense to convert it to bytes before uploading it to the VDL, as byte encoding is considerably more efficient.

To specify a list of bytes rather than strings, you would do the following:

string_data = ["AAP", "Noot", "Mies", "VuUR", "Vis"]

# This converts data to bytes
byte_data = [s.encode() for s in string_data]

df = cd.DataFrame({"strings": string_data, "bytes": byte_data})

While strings are more natural, when you upload large databases, using byte columns will make a difference in speed and efficiency.

After learning the things we can do with strings, we will learn how to work with dates in the crandas in the next section.